Cloning Investments

Where can I find such crucial information?

Even though picking an investor or a group of investors seems relatively straightforward, it can be extremely difficult to find such essential information on the market. This is where our StockEdge app can be useful. Let’s get started:


The prowess of StockEdge in aiding investment decisions is second to none. No doubt it is a must have tool for traders and investors alike! 


You can gain access to portfolios of Market Czars such as the likes of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, R.K. Damani, Vijay Kedia, Madhusudan Kela, Dolly Khanna and many others at the touch of a button.


And if this is not enough, let me help you get familiar with another powerful feature that allows you to track key changes in investor portfolios. 



Let us now check out Dolly Khanna’s portfolio:



Here’s what she bought and sold recently:



Similarly, the actions of Marquee Institutional Investors can also be tabbed in a jiffy:



Let us look at the Stock Holdings of Aberdeen Fund:



Investing is simplified!

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