Simplified Technical Analysis with Risk Management & Position Sizing
- English
- 18404 Learners
- Date: July 2, 2019
- Time: 04:30 PM
- Duration: 2 hours
Price action is the movement of a security's price over time. All technical analyses of a stock, commodity or other asset chart are based on price action. Many short-term traders base their trading decisions solely on price action and the formations and trends that can be extrapolated from itA brief introduction to Price Action & Trend Following. Position Size and Risk Management go hand in hand with each other and are the two most important things to consider before you even begin trading. While most new traders think that "winning" is what trading is all about, they will soon come to realize that losing is far more common. You can't control how much you may profit on each trade, but you can control how much you may lose. Poor risk management is one of the top reasons traders fail.
- Understanding Price Action.
- Basic Chart Construction.
- Trend Following using Moving Averages
- Risk Management
- Position Sizing
- Real-Time Case Studies
What You Will Learn?
Attendees will learn to construct simple yet effective charts using price action and moving average. They will also learn to manage the risk & position their trade size. Attendees will realize the mistakes traders often make & also learn how to avoid them.
Materials to be shared with participants
How to Participate
Step 1 : Click on ‘Book Your Seat !‘ button and book your seat for the webinar.
Step 2 : You will receive an email containing a link to join the webinar.
Step 3 : Click on the same link to join 15 minutes before the start of the webinar.
Step 4 : Checksystem requirements and do necessary configuration of your headphone/speaker and system volume.