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Sivakumar Jayachandran

Sivakumar Jayachandran

Sivakumar Jayachandran is an ace scalper with over 15 years of experience and one of the rare traders who has generated consistent returns by buying options. An entrepreneur by nature, Sivakumar co-founded a startup in the Healthcare Industry and led it successfully to grow into a profitable company with 800 employees.

He started with a vision to empower retail investors, who are often at the receiving end in markets dominated by big players. The Indian Derivative market is no exception to this. He proved his mettle by successfully scalping index options, thus breaking the myth that option buyers don’t make consistent money. Moving along with his vision, he has actively turned to mentoring other traders.

Sivakumar Jayachandran
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Sivakumar Jayachandran, sometimes referred to as Scalper Siva and Siva Jayachandran, has gained an exceptional track record in the Indian stock market. He is a seasoned options trader and a successful entrepreneur, and his journey from hotel management to the highest level of trading expertise is a testament to his perseverance and strategic thinking.

Sivakumar's career officially began in 1995 after he graduated from Chennai with a degree in hotel management. However, he had to look for other options because of the demanding lifestyle of the hospitality sector. In the process of finding a work-life balance, he discovered the dynamic field of business process outsourcing or BPO. Using his leadership and managerial abilities, Sivakumar quickly rose through the corporate ranks, laying the groundwork for his upcoming entrepreneurial ventures.

Sivakumar's time working in Mumbai's BPO sector saw the growth of his entrepreneurial spirit. A casual conversation with a former colleague sparked the idea of starting their own company. Their venture was born out of their quick conversion from an idea to a business strategy and a successful investor pitch. They acquired their first client in 30 days, and two years later, they had 200 employees working for them. By the end of their fourth year, they had expanded the company and had 800 employees working for them. Following that, in 2015, they sold their business after receiving an offer to be acquired by a larger firm. A major factor in Sivakumar's success as an entrepreneur was his aptitude for seeing possibilities and navigating the business world.

Trading Journey and Learning from Losses

Throughout the years, Sivakumar Jayachandran continued to trade while working in the BPO sector. His friend was the one who first introduced him to the stock market, and they both used to trade and invest in stocks. He used to own shares of Tata Motors, Bajaj Finance, JP Associates, Unitech, DLF, and Suzlon, among other companies. However, the market crisis of 2007-2008 resulted in significant losses, and the Satyam Scandal and the fall of Lehman Brothers added to the chaos. He then began trading using tips. But after losing money again, he decided to stop taking tips and focus on how to trade by studying markets and candlestick patterns. He says that between 2013 and 2014, he studied candlestick patterns, open interest, and many indicators, including SuperTrend, RSI, VWAP, WMA, and Parabolic Sar. He started to make money from trading in 2015. Subsequently, he began to gain confidence and scale up, and by the end of 2017, he made a profit and recovered from all of his losses.

Why did Sivakumar Jayachandran Start Scalping?

According to him, "It is a myth in the market that only sellers make money; buyers don't." He claims that buyers have limited risk and that if they know what risk they want to take, they may take that risk and gain. He saw that he was losing a lot of money on trades that he used to hold for longer than fifteen to sixty minutes. He then began taking scalping trades.

Trading within two to five minutes of entering the trade is known as scalping. Some of his trades take less than 10 seconds, while others last between 3 and 5 minutes. According to him, "Scalping is the best genre if you are an option buyer".

Sivakumar Jayachandran Courses & Webinars

Sivakumar Jayachandran is proficient in both trading and teaching. His courses and webinars include insights into his trading strategies and the nuances of scalping.

He stands out as an inspiration in the financial industry thanks to his extensive expertise, inspirational background, and commitment to education. His story emphasises how trading expertise can be achieved with continuous learning, adaptability, and constant effort. As the Scalping Guru, his impact goes beyond market dynamics, reaching those seeking to manage the complexities of trading effectively.