Wealth Creation with Covered Call Options Trading and Risk Management

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In this video, Mr. Vineet Jainn will teach us the power of the covered call strategy for wealth creation and long-term financial success. Learn about risk management, diversification, and asset allocation in this insightful discussion on smart investment strategies. Watch the complete video to unlock your path to financial prosperity with the covered call strategy.

Investing for the long term reduces the effects of volatile and short-term market swings. The impact of daily market fluctuations is lessened over an extended period of time when market ups and downs tend to average out. Emotions and short-term market noise typically have less of an impact on long-term investors. They are more likely to adhere to their investment plan and refrain from making snap judgments in response to changes in the market.

A covered call is a two-part strategy where calls are sold on a share-for-share basis and stock is bought or owned. The process of simultaneously purchasing shares and selling calls is referred to as “buy write.” The process of selling calls against previously acquired stock is referred to as “overwrite.” Purchasing 500 shares of stock and simultaneously selling 5 call options is an example of a buy write.When a shareholder decides to sell five calls against their 500 shares after holding them for a while, that is an example of an “overwrite.”

One may retain the premium that is obtained by selling a covered call as revenue. For this reason, a lot of investors employ covered calls and run a program where they sell covered calls on a regular basis (sometimes quarterly, sometimes monthly) in an attempt to increase their annual returns by a few percentage points.

Mr Vineet Jainn in Face2Face

Your Speaker

Mr Vineet Jainn

Mr Vineet Jainn is from Ludhiana and started investing in the year 1989. Mr Vineet Jainn, Chief Investment Officer of Volvin Limited, introduces India’s first AIF, Volvin Growth Fund – Active Rabbit, focusing on the Covered Call Strategy. With over 30 years of experience in equity markets, he aims to demonstrate that higher returns can be achieved with lower risk. He has introduced the first-ever all-India stock market competition for top colleges and B-schools and believes in value investing and compounding.
Mr. Vivek Bajaj

Your Host

Vivek Bajaj