How to Optimize Your Portfolio for Options Trading for Max Returns with Dhiraj Sinha

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Dhiraj Sinha, a former corporate executive turned full-time options trader, talks about many facets of options trading and stock market leveraging methods in the video. He stresses the value of accountability when imparting trading information and the idea of using leverage as a strategy to increase possible gains. Dhiraj ask the investors to maintain a low turnover rate and consolidate assets in order to get their portfolios ready for option trading.

 He also provides a mechanism for leaving equities portfolios and moving to debt during market downturns, as well as advice on employing a passive investment approach with the right amount of leverage. Dhiraj talks about how he uses Nifty ETFs and futures in his investing approach, how he has modified his option trading technique, and how important tools and systematic trading are.

Dhiraj talks about a variety of algorithmic and option trading-related subjects. He presents the idea of utilizing a trading method known as "co-pilot" for algorithmic trading. This entails developing a strategy, putting it into use on Trading View, and linking an alert signal to it in order to manage trades automatically. In addition, Dhiraj warns against extremely tight trailing stops and provides an example of a Nifty straddle strategy.

He then goes over the differences between Microsoft's ChatGPT and Co-pilot and stresses the value of selecting the tool that you feel most comfortable with when creating trading code. Dhiraj also presents the idea of implied volatility and explains how to compute it with a basic calculator, along with providing an example of a successful trading strategy. In order to enhance trading abilities, he highlights the significance of backtesting techniques and participating in informative webinars or seminars. In closing, Dhiraj urges the audience to think about option trading as a feasible investment potential.


Dhiraj Sinha in Face2Face

Your Speaker

Dhiraj Sinha

Dhiraj Sinha holds an MBA from IIM Calcutta and is an engineer from VSSUT Burla. After a successful career in the IT industry, where he held senior management positions, he transitioned to full-time investing and trading.
Mr. Vivek Bajaj

Your Host

Vivek Bajaj