In this video of the Face2Face series, watch a candid conversation between Mr. Vivek Bajaj, co-founder of StockEdge & Elearnmarkets and Mr. NS Fidai, an expert trainer with a passion for technical analysis. In this video, Mr. NS Fidai shares his inspirational journey to discovering his passion for the stock markets and technical analysis. You as a viewer will probably be able to connect to his experiences, especially from his early days as a beginner in the industry.
Beginning in 1990, Mr. NS Fidai shares his remarkable story, describing how he took the risk of starting a mutual fund at a time when the sector was unregulated and not very well-liked. He discusses the difficulties and successes he faced while running the scheme with friends as the talk goes on, eventually revealing the priceless lessons he learned from this crucial time.
The discussion goes into detail about how Harshad Mehta's scam impacted Mr. Fidai's investment management strategy. He talks about his strategies both during and after the scheme, including information about the primary and secondary markets at the time. Furthermore, he highlights the value of constant learning in today's dynamic markets, the various resources he used to deepen his knowledge, and how his learning preferences have changed over time. Watch the video to gain valuable lessons from our expert's experiences trading and investing during significant market events, such as the IT boom and game-changing IPOs like Infosys. Find out what he learnt, and realise how important it is to stay informed and adaptive in the volatile stock market world.

Your Speaker
NS Fidai

Your Host
Vivek Bajaj