How to Earn Big with Part-Time Investing? DO's & DONT's of Stock Market with Karan Rajpal

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In this video, Mr Karan Rajpal will share tips on Value investing for part-time investors: focus on intrinsic value, productive assets, sales to equity ratio, patience, risk reduction, industry evolution, savings rate, mentorship, and long-term growth strategies.

The goal of value investing is to purchase stocks at a discount to their real worth. This entails figuring out which businesses the market undervalues. The fundamental idea is that eventually the market will figure out how much the company is really worth, which will raise the price of its stock.

Comprehensive fundamental analysis is a must for value investment. A company's financial statements, business strategy, competitive edge, and industry prospects are all closely examined by investors. They can calculate the company's intrinsic value—which frequently differs from the current market price—by comprehending these variables.

In this video, he will discuss his approach is to Identifycompanies with 10 to 1000 crore market cap, Small equity base- track equity to sales ratio, so in good times, EPS can soar. Large base of hard assets- ideally well depreciated but still productive.

Another essential quality for value investors is patience. It's not always simple to find cheap stocks, and it may take some time for the market to assess an investment's actual value. As such, a long-term outlook is crucial.

Value investing is not without its difficulties, even if it has long been shown to be a profitable technique. Value stocks may underperform for extended periods of time when market sentiment overwhelms fundamentals. Furthermore, there is no set formula for success, and determining genuine value might be subjective.

Value investing is still a well-liked strategy for many investors looking to build long-term wealth in spite of these difficulties. In this investment strategy, investors can improve their chances of success by keeping an eye on the basics and adopting a patient mindset.

Mr. Karan Rajpal in Face2Face

Your Speaker

Mr. Karan Rajpal

Karan Rajpal is a second generation value investor. Active in India equity markets for nearly two decades, he focuses on small cap and microcap Indian mainboard companies with long operating history. A marketer by profession, he's an MBA from Symbiosis International University Pune.
Mr. Vivek Bajaj

Your Host

Vivek Bajaj