We bring you Face2Face trading featuring Mr. Vivek Bajaj, co-founder, StockEdge, Elearnmarkets, and the expert guest Mr. Ankit Garg, who was also a part of the Face2Face Bangkok Conclave. Face2Face is a series of elearnmarkets, which was curated to enhance the knowledge of our learners with the help of stock market experts and big bulls.
In this video, our expert will talk about how to identify market regimes and explain the correlation between nifty and INR. Their will be a comparison between the regime filters and the insights from an alternative asset class. From the strategy used by him and how to implement this strategy to gain more returns in the stock market to the initial data analysis, we will be discussing all of it.
You will also get your data analysis myths busted that has hampered growth for many, and the robustness test will also be done to know the efficiency. Implementation of strategy and the potential uses of the same are also a part of this video.

Your Speaker
Mr. Ankit Garg

Your Host
Vivek Bajaj