- Date: March 28, 2020
- Time: 03:00 PM
- Duration: 2 Hours
Every Thursday comes the index expiry of Nifty as well as Bank nifty and the challenge an option buyer faces is to whether to buy options and when to buy them .This webinar aims to answer these questions with a quant based model.
Objective of the Webinar-
The objective of the webinar is to help the participants select the right data points for option buying and ignoring likely range expiry days.The study of bank nifty weekly expiry from 2016 may will add to the knowledge about how each week Thursday expiry behaves.The planning of trades during the morning and the evening sessions on expiry.

Mr. Chetan Panchamia has the experience of being 17 years in the markets starting from front office to fundamentals research before moving to the technical side and specializing in options trading and is presently a full-time Professional trader focusing on index options. He has written various articles for Moneycontrol.com and has given lectures in various institutes like IIFT and St. Xavier's College. Chetan’s underline philosophy is, "Markets are like life, vibrant and keeps your success and failure grounded". Data analyzing can be the greatest asset of any trader or investor which is an art as well as a science which can be developed through right training.
What You Will Learn?
What is Bank nifty index and its performances on expiry day , finding the right edge in terms for option buyers in terms of bank nifty constituents.Proper rules based entry and exit strategies incorporating money management principles.
Materials to be shared with participants
The webinar attendees will have access to the presentation, which contains all the relevant information and insights. This will give the participants hands-on reference to the concepts and case studies discussed during the session.
basic understanding of call and put options and Bank nifty index.
How to Participate
Step 1 : Click on ‘Book Your Seat !‘ button and book your seat for the webinar.
Step 2 : You will receive an email containing a link to join the webinar.
Step 3 : Click on the same link to join 15 minutes before the start of the webinar.
Step 4 : Checksystem requirements and do necessary configuration of your headphone/speaker and system volume.