The Dhandho Investor

Arjuna’s Focus: Investing Lessons from a Great Warrior

In the final chapter, the author begins with a fable that demonstrates the importance of concentrating on companies within one's circle of competence. Investors can pick and choose from thousands of companies (both private and public ), real estate, treasuries, currencies, options, mutual funds, hedge funds, commodities and other investments. If the investor tries his hands on all of them, he is unlikely to do well. However, the investor increases his odds by focusing on simple and understandable businesses.


He advises investors to look only for opportunities that fulfil this criterion. Once an opportunity arises, it should be studied, and examined closely and it should be made sure that it's trading at a discount. "Do not make the fatal mistake of looking at five businesses at once," he argues. One should rivet his eyes on one company at a time, and only after completing the analysis should he be ready to look at other companies within its circle of competence.


While the book attempts to educate readers on how to maximize their wealth, the author asserts that there is more to life than wealth. A life directed only on boosting material wealth is not fully rewarding. He concludes the book by persuading those who find success in Dhandho to invest in offering some of their wealth to those who are not so blessed.

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