Course Highlights
- 17 Videos
- 1+ Hour of Video Content
- 1 Supplementary Study Material
- Test
Elearnmarkets is glad to present " Technical Trading Strategies with ROC Indicator":the first in a series of courses on techncial indicators and their use in developing technical trading strategies
Rate of Change Indicator (or ROC) is a momentum oscillator, which measures the percentage change between the current price and the n period past price.
This technical indicator is used to identify general trend, oversold, overbought conditions as well as divergences.
This course will enable the participants to develop thorough knowledge on the basics of ROC and then it gives you Seven Model Strategies (Five end of the day and Two intra-day strategies) using ROC indicator in combination with other indicator.

About the Trainer
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Elearnmarkets is India’s leading online financial education platform with over 2.7 million users and 100+ market experts hosting finance courses and webinars in multiple languages. Our courses also include certifications from NSE Academy and are aimed at fostering the need for financial education amongst students, traders, and investors alike. With an app rating of 4.8, Elearnmarkets is available both on the iOS and Play Store.
What Will You Learn?
This programme will enable the students to:
- Understand the basic concept of ROC
- Learn the use of ROC in different trading strategies
- Give learners several ideas about building their own trading strategies
Topics Covered
Section 1: ROC Indicator Explained:
- Basic Concepts of ROC Indicator
- Calculation of ROC Indicator
- Method of plotting ROC in a chart
- How to trade using ROC in a trending Market?
- Reversal and Divergence trades using ROC
Section 2: Seven Technical Strategies using ROC Indicator:
- Buy Side Techncial Strategies using ROC Indicator
- Sell Side Technical Strategies using ROC Indicator
Intended Participants
- Anyone interested in making a career in technical analysis
- Investors
- Traders
- Analysts
- Trading Algorithm Developers
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