Narrative and Numbers: The Value of Stories in Business

Building A Narrative

In this chapter, the professor has basically explained to us how you as an investor or a founder or a manager pitch your company’s story to the community. 


Whether you are a founder, a manager or an investor in a company, you ultimately have to play the role of a story teller. A good story as per the author is one in which the interests of listeners and storyteller converge.


As discussed in earlier chapter the elements of a good narrative are:

  1. It has to be simple.
  2. It has to be credible.
  3. It has to inspire.
  4. It should lead to action, which means for the employees to come and work for you or for the investors to invest money in the company.

Step 1: A corporate story begins with telling something about the company. If the company has a long history, start by explaining the same, along with some numbers like past sales and/or profit growth, etc. For young companies, the professor advises to narrate the history of owners/founders instead of the company.


Step 2: Now tell the audience about the market in which your company is operating. Professor has provided us with a list of questions as per the company types that you need to answer in order to judge/tell the audience about the market.



Step 3: Now, finally tell something about the competitors. Here as well, we have a list of questions to be answered in order to make a fine narrative about the competitor analysis.


Competative analysis: 



The key to creating a successful story about the company is to constantly revisit it as the market situation changes.

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